Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Bulykin says yes! But he wants to live in Belgium

Straelen - The headquarters of Fortuna Straelen board Hermann Tecklenburg - on Wednesday rose from 13 clock in the secret "Straelener yard" in matters of Russians Dmitri Bulykin Clippers, who will rush to the climber.
Where: Belgium-agent Jos Eerdekens, coach Norbert Meier, Manager Werner Wolf, Bulykin advisor Andrei Golowasch Tecklenburg and of course themselves
Result? "Bulykin wants club Anderlecht, the donor wants, and Fortuna will also," said Tecklenburg after the meeting. But there are still problems. The plan is that is that for the 29-year-olds at the RSC runs a rental fee, and he should not only remain an employee of Anderlecht, but for tax reasons, continue in Belgium has his principal residence.
 There's the non-EU foreigners more net because soccer players in Belgium are artists and have a very low tax rate. "But this construct makes problems with the game license for Germany," said Tecklenburg, who wants to pre-finance the clippers and only regains its coal staggered when Fortuna achieved more than the projected average attendance of 15,000.
"This is a precedent in this form. Manager Werner is charged with placing his know-how to get in the game DFL approval. "