Thursday, February 18, 2010

Living in the Schimmelbude

    Photo: Udo GottschalkHürth --
Your home makes them ill. For four years, Angela K. (live 34) with her son Manuel-Kai (6) in a hovel with no heating in Old Hurth. The two find no other Wohnung.Die data: 51 square meters, three rooms, 380 euro monthly rent, no heating and a subtenant, who makes the K's life a living hell: the molds.
"When we moved in the spring of 2005, the landlord assured us that soon will be fitted radiator," complains Mrs K. But nothing came. Result: Due to moisture and cold, the mold grows. K.: "I spend a half hours per day to keep the wash."
But the walls in the kitchen and children will be black again within a week. Both are now struggling with breathing problems and headaches. "I have bronchitis," says Manuel-Kai. The living room is the only space where they can stay in the winter. There, they have drawn up a gas stove.
"Time and again we have looked at our other homes, wanted a lease." The problem: As a single mother, she was always been a refusal. Or it failed on its Schufa entry. EXPRESS asked Mrs. K's rental company, the charitable Wohnunsgsgesellschaft (GWG), after. "We have offered our tenant two homes," said Managing Director Achim Leirich.
"One was too small, the other is ready for occupancy only February," said Mrs. K. The GWG has promised because of the mold to send a specialist. But Mrs. K. wants only one thing: "We just want time to spend Christmas in the warm."
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