Thursday, February 25, 2010

We lay on corpses

 Leverkusen / Luanda --
There were calls that had to be for the closest relatives and friends as a relief.
Late Friday night, just hours after the massacre on the Togolese team bus in Angola, reported to Bayer Advanced Assimiou Toure phone with his mother and girlfriend Isabelle in the Rhineland and stated that he is unhurt.
At midday on Saturday and coach Jupp Heynckes reached its 20-year-old protege. And what Heynckes report of this telephone call, is shocking. "Assimiou has recalled me. He was emotionally disturbed, but remained calm. He told me of the terrible experiences on the bus were all traumatized in his team. One noticed that the boy was devastated. "
The team coach of Togo, which had previously attended a training camp in neighboring Congo, had gone through a dense forest area of the enclave of Cabinda, the military would have accompanied the bus. Suddenly rebels had opened fire with machine guns.
Heynckes, "That must be half an hour gone, and military helicopters arrived. Assimiou described, some team members were located in the bus on the dead! Two players have to subscribe to its information are still in the ICU, two others had Wadendurchschüsse.
Assimiou and his teammates wanted to go home only to their families and get out of Angola. No one would see himself in a position to play the tournament. And that may well understand that. "
Club boss Wolfgang Bayer wooden houses wants to support his player's best effort. "If the boy from Angola wants to get out, then we get him out. No matter what it may. I wonder why the African Football Association has awarded the tournament to a country that prevail in the civil war. "
Also of interest
Togolese government wants to return to the team
"It is now projected to all South Africa"