Friday, May 28, 2010

30 ticket! Transport Minister resigns

Sydney - An Australian Transport Minister has resigned after 30Strafzetteln for traffic.
Tom Koutsantonis imBundesstaat, South Australia responsible for road safety, has broken almost every traffic rule already: He fuhrunter others ignored too fast, red lights and the phone rang amSteuer with how it came to light on Monday.
The Strafzettelhat he then also studiously ignored. EinigeVerkehrsdelikte landed in court, where the minister was Geldstrafenverurteilt and lost his license.
   Resignation demands rejected Koutsantonis first with the Hinweiszurück, so he can as an example especially geeignetsei now to provide safe roads.
But he could not hold dasVerkehrsministerium. His government estimates ihnaber still apparently as a model: Koutsantonis is nunJugendminister.
Transport with ticket - that there is not only Australia. NRW-Transport Minister Oliver Wittke resigned because it crashed too fast through a speed-50 zone: click here>

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Where the lovely Catherine (15)?

Bad Godesberg -
Where's Catherine? The parents of the pupil are worried, since she went last Thursday at half past eight in the school and has not returned.
On Friday she was spotted by friends in the school - but since then no trace of the pretty blond girl.
Catherine: • 15 years old • • about 1.55 m tall has a slim, petite figure • very light blond hair, about shoulder length • it is dressed in an olive-green jacket with fleece lining, a green sweater with big buttons, a faded jeans, black, padded nylon boots and purple gloves.
The Bonn police urges Catherine, at her parents, a youth center or to register at the police station!
Investigators ask for information from the population and ask:
- Who Katharina since 28.01.2010, 07:30 clock has seen? - Who had since 01.28.2010, 07:30 Catherine clock to Contact? Information, please contact the Criminal Commissioner Bonner 11 or the Crime Guard at the phone number or 15-0 to any other police department.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Mann (72 kills) neighbors (63) and himself

Essen -
Death drama in the Essen district Bedingrade: A 72-year-old man shot his 63-year-old neighbor - and then turned the gun on himself
The two men had apparently quarreled. The reason for the conflict is still unclear.
Multiple shot the elder to his younger counterpart. Residents called the police. A special task force stormed the house of the 72-year-olds, found him dead, but lying on the floor. He has apparently committed suicide.
The other, 63-year-old man was treated an emergency doctor. But he was beyond saving.
Also of Interest
Neighbours beat shoveling snow at each other

Monday, May 10, 2010

What goes through the customs?

The coral necklace is a beautiful holiday gifts. But it will be caught at customs, it can be expensive. In the worst case, not just a monetary threat, but a prison sentence.
According to the Washington Convention (WA), it is forbidden to import products from protected animals and plants.
The agreement covers about 8,000 animals and 40,000 plant species. The list is available at
 It not only protects the individual animal and plant species, but also prohibits trade in all products that are manufactured or obtained from them.
These include carvings of ivory, coral jewelry, belts and snakeskin handbags, jewelry, decorated with elephant hair, but also many species of cacti, orchids and cyclamen.
They are caught with a souvenir, which falls under the Biodiversity Convention, the goods will be confiscated. In addition, a fine is paid. Similarly, the import of counterfeit designer goods such as watches are not allowed.
 Art lovers should inquire before leaving at the embassy or consulate of the export rules for art and antiques. Especially the Turkish authorities interpret antiquities from far away.
Even a processed stone that was found on the beach, can be excluded. Therefore, no coins to buy fossils, old-looking objects or the like.
 Who buys a rug in Egypt must make it possible to give the dealer a permit from the Department of Commerce. In Turkey needed for new carpets and exit a sales slip, for old carpets permission assignment.
Also of interest
What is allowed?

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Klinsi lands in Hoffenheim?

Munich - The deep fall of Jürgen Klinsmann (44). 2006, the hero of the World Cup summer fairy tale, he failed in Bavaria right down the line. Was it the coaching career of lateral thinker? Klinsis reputation is now ruined? He Flee in his adopted home California?
The era Klinsmann at Bayern -> here click
Fact: He has lost much of its charm. But there are still some who have not lost faith in the world champion of 1990.
There is a patron Dietmar Hopp, Hoffenheim. SAP founder and Klinsmann combines an amicable relationship. Both also connects the same football philosophy. In the emerging Fußballmacht Hoffenheim, who wants to master the medium term, could Klinsi realize his vision. Because TSG-coach Ralf Rangnick is through the eleven-game winless Half not without controversy.
Or land on Klinsmann as Schalke? Does not really! The grafter club out of the pot and the unapproachable Schwabe. In addition, the current coach Trio Büskens / Mulder / Reck can boast just four wins in series.
But Schalke boss Clemens Tonnies tinkering, they say, great to find a solution. And despite his failure in Munich, Klinsmann has acted as a coach that he can work on a project and drive forward. If he can ...
More kicking out Jürgen Klinsmann: Heynckes: At breakfast, persuaded him Hoeness> Hoeness: "We now need a football teacher"> Coach Klinsmann fired>
Also of interest
Fled - leaving HERE Klinsi the Bavaria-office
Klinsmann at Bayern - Photos