Friday, May 28, 2010

30 ticket! Transport Minister resigns

Sydney - An Australian Transport Minister has resigned after 30Strafzetteln for traffic.
Tom Koutsantonis imBundesstaat, South Australia responsible for road safety, has broken almost every traffic rule already: He fuhrunter others ignored too fast, red lights and the phone rang amSteuer with how it came to light on Monday.
The Strafzettelhat he then also studiously ignored. EinigeVerkehrsdelikte landed in court, where the minister was Geldstrafenverurteilt and lost his license.
   Resignation demands rejected Koutsantonis first with the Hinweiszurück, so he can as an example especially geeignetsei now to provide safe roads.
But he could not hold dasVerkehrsministerium. His government estimates ihnaber still apparently as a model: Koutsantonis is nunJugendminister.
Transport with ticket - that there is not only Australia. NRW-Transport Minister Oliver Wittke resigned because it crashed too fast through a speed-50 zone: click here>