Monday, May 10, 2010

What goes through the customs?

The coral necklace is a beautiful holiday gifts. But it will be caught at customs, it can be expensive. In the worst case, not just a monetary threat, but a prison sentence.
According to the Washington Convention (WA), it is forbidden to import products from protected animals and plants.
The agreement covers about 8,000 animals and 40,000 plant species. The list is available at
 It not only protects the individual animal and plant species, but also prohibits trade in all products that are manufactured or obtained from them.
These include carvings of ivory, coral jewelry, belts and snakeskin handbags, jewelry, decorated with elephant hair, but also many species of cacti, orchids and cyclamen.
They are caught with a souvenir, which falls under the Biodiversity Convention, the goods will be confiscated. In addition, a fine is paid. Similarly, the import of counterfeit designer goods such as watches are not allowed.
 Art lovers should inquire before leaving at the embassy or consulate of the export rules for art and antiques. Especially the Turkish authorities interpret antiquities from far away.
Even a processed stone that was found on the beach, can be excluded. Therefore, no coins to buy fossils, old-looking objects or the like.
 Who buys a rug in Egypt must make it possible to give the dealer a permit from the Department of Commerce. In Turkey needed for new carpets and exit a sales slip, for old carpets permission assignment.
Also of interest
What is allowed?